Radio Free Skaro #500 – Hither and Thither


Radio Free Skaro #500 – Click here to listen!

rfs500THIS…IS…ENGLAND! At least it is for Steven, Warren, and Erika, who with the help of the lovely Simon Harries are currently wandering around Albion, fighting dinosaurs, ATMOS, Autons and jet lag as they drool like wide-eyed schoolchildren at famous sights and the drearily commonplace. But first, Chris joins Warren and Steven live from the colonies to review “The Zygon Invasion,” the first of a two-part sucker-punch starring everyone’s favorite phallic shapeshifters. All this and dollies, Tate and Tennant in audio form and more! Next week, more adventures in England, Wales and parts in between!
Show notes:

The Zygon…Invasion!
The Woman Who Lived…Appreciated!
The Girl Who Died…UK Viewing Figure
Series 10 Development…Underway!
Tennant and Tate…Return For Big Finish!
Underwater Menace…Also On UK iTunes!
New 5″ Action Dollies…Toys R Us UK Exclusives!
Next Wave…Of 3.75″ Action Dollies!
Alex Kingston…At Chicago TARDIS
LI Who…More Guests!
LI Who…Eighth Doctor Comic Variant Cover!


8 Comments on “Radio Free Skaro #500 – Hither and Thither

  1. You gays have me wondering if you missed the picture of Pertwee on the wall. Early on in a house when Steward was walking down some stairs.

  2. Another great podcast guys , keep up the good work and have a great time here in the UK .

  3. Have a great time in the UK.

    Both the soldier and the Sheriff were in fact American (the soldier’s mother wasn’t though). It does often sound jarring when US and British accents are mixed for some reason, though less so in films than TV in my experience.
    I sometimes find it really grating when genuine British actors appear in American TV shows. I don’t know if it’s just perception or reality but it tends to sound like their English accent is very exaggerated.

  4. Chris I have to defend you on this one. The “mom” got all of the questions wrong. Shooting the mother in the leg was an obvious option. What are the chances the Zygons can maintain the image of an injury? The real mom would have survived that injury easily. There was no reason to believe the mom and enter. That is not a reasonable request if it were the families. “If you are my mom how does it help if I go inside?”

    I am starting to wonder if the lack of a battle in front of the church was budget related. They need writers with the skill of Terrance Dicks who can hide budget issues better.

    Also standard police or military procedure would be to send a point person in. Even if it could be safe. How useful that would be against a race that can instantly mimic you is questionable. It would have made more sense to send a point guy in have him switched and then have him convince everyone to come in. “Church is clear come on in.”

  5. great point john….moffat must go…was watching tom baker on the weekend….just awesome…leave the pc garbage out and just tell good stories

  6. Pingback: London Travel Diary – Day 3 | fangirlknitsscarf

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