Tag: Empire of Death

Radio Free Skaro #966 – My Empire of Dirt

The moment has arrived for the Doctor, Millie and their big fluffy dog Sutekh as the universe gets dusted, mysteries are solved to varying degrees of success, and the Three Who Rule reach unforetold levels of Grumpy Old Man-ism as they discuss “Empire of… Continue Reading “Radio Free Skaro #966 – My Empire of Dirt”

Radio Free Skaro #965 – Abase Yourself, You Groveling Insect

It’s the penultimate episode of Doctor Who Season 1 and the mysteries are piling up in UNIT HQ! Who or what is Susan Twist? What about the cloaked lady who may or may not be Ruby’s mum? Why in the name of all the… Continue Reading “Radio Free Skaro #965 – Abase Yourself, You Groveling Insect”

Radio Free Skaro #962 – I Saw Her Standing There

A very divisive episode of one Radio Free Skaro as the Three Who Rules review “73 Yards,” a parable of Welsh magic, loopy time conundrums and craven Prime Ministers (well, one at least). What did they think of this Millie Gibson acting tour-de-force and… Continue Reading “Radio Free Skaro #962 – I Saw Her Standing There”